Sunday, August 29, 2010

Be The Power Of ONE

The Power of ONE

We firmly believe that social media tools and new ways to communicate and form communities are allowing ONE person to make a significant difference in social causes.

While our focus is on abolishing cancer, other social causes are increasingly forming communities of support to inform, network and promote change. Access, and the use of technology tools, provides this connection and networking to occur and not be blocked by barriers of geography, culture, or language.

In creating and developing @abolishcancer, it was clear that while having Twitterthons and raising funds for a cancer charity was important, as critical was raising awareness. We have morphed into a bulletin board for cancer fundraisers, cancer charities and those who are fighting cancer. Since we started in November, it’s evident that the forming of a global community to fight cancer is both possible and needed.

So what can ONE person do? Well, raising awareness doesn’t always require money. With the social media tools at our disposal, a person’s passion for a cause will grow just as long as the message resonates with those on the other end. There does have to be a “market” for the cause, but a person’s passion and determination can help form a network of support.

In the past 10 months we have had 17 Twitterthons where sponsors agree to pay $1 for every new follower we receive donated to a cancer fighting charity of their choice. Over $17,500 has been raised through these Twitterthons, all by people who were tweeting and following. Along the way, the 21,000 plus followers of @abolishcancer have helped share stories and offer support to one another who have been afflicted with cancer.

More importantly, we all have ONE common goal- to abolishcancer. Our community will continue to grow and we will continue to support each other in this fight. We also realize that we all make a valuable contribution to this battle, one that we are confident the power of the crowd can help defeat.

So what’s your social cause? What are you waiting for? Be the Power of ONE…..who knows what you may accomplish.

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